Liverpool & District Cross Country Union League   
Race 1   Beacon Park   28th  October 2006

pdf Results                  
1 P McGlory Liv H 29:45 68 W Coppolov (Guest) Newbrough 39:12
2 S Mills (Guest) Sale Man   30:03   69 M Houghton Spectrum S   39:22
3 R Berry SWAC   30:45   70 S James SWAC   39:38
4 H Care (Guest) Nes Rown   31:08   71 D Walton Wallasey   39:41
5 J Mellor Liv H   31:16   72 K Longley (L)


6 B Murphy Liv H   31;31   73 A Dalton Skem/Bound   39:48
7 G Williams St Hels Sut   32:14   74 C Levy St Hels Sut   39;59
8 D Alexander W Ches   32:20   75 D Cambell (L) Skem/Bound   40:02
9 M Hulmston Wirral   32:25   76 D Farrington SWAC   40;04
10 X Desse Wirral   32:29   77 P Kay Spectrum S   40:07
11 I Smith St Hels Sut   32:35   78 P Rainford LRC   40:18:
12 A Ashton Liv H   32:45   79 S Clayton LRC   40:25
13 G Groves Liv H   32:55   80 C Loney Ches Tri   40:29
14 I Roberts St Hels Sut N/S 33:12   81 P Butler LRC   40:33
15 D Twigg St Hels Sut   33:36   82 P Hutchings Liv H   40:35
16 S Nicholas Liv H   33:43   83 A Hudson SWAC   40;42
17 C Pedder Mossley H   34:12   84 I Harris Spectrum S   40:52
18 G Cairns LPS   34:14   85 M Alii (L) Liv H   40:55
19 J McKenna LPS   34:18   86 B Mousedne St Hels Sut   41:05
20 A Clague W Ches   34:26   87 K Roberts (L) Helsby   41:08
21 L Foster Wirral   34:29   88 P Summers Skem/Bound   41:42
22 M Collins LRC   34:34   89 C Morgan Ches Tri   41:48
23 B Graney St Hels Sut   34:42   90 M Hirrell Penny LS   41:59
24 I Hayburn St Hels Sut   34:47   91 A Zoellner Skem/Bound   42:17
25 M McDevitt Wirral   34:50   92 P Wilkinson Skem/Bound   42;37
26 K Keating Wirral   34:58   93 S Swift (L) LPS   42:41
27 J Spracland SWAC   35:24   94 A Smith Helsby   42:47
28 D Gordon LPS   35:26   95 A Peers Spectrum S   42:50
29 M Gammelsater Wirral   35:27   96 S williams Wallasey   42:51
30 P Johnson St Hels Sut   35:28   97 N Pratton Wirral   42:57
31 R kirk W Ches   35:47   98 J Pybus (L) Liv H   43:09
32 T Lawlor Roby R   35:48   99 A Summers Skem/Bound   43:20
33 T Barbat Wallasey   35;52   100 J Downey Wirral   43:34
34 T Clarke Liv H   35:56   101 H Duffield (L) Skem/Bound   43:48
35 P Broome SWAC   36;00   102 J Garlick Skem/Bound   43:44
36 C Martin Spectrum S   36:12   103 G Darby (L) LPS   44;22
37 R Bowker SWAC   36:14   104 T Clarkson Penny LS   44:25
38 P Harrison Liv H   36:16   105 C Quirk (L) Skem/Bound   44:29
39 A Crooke (L) SWAC   36:28   106 G Williams (L) Mossley H   44:40
40 K Hatton Liv H   36:31   107 I Hilditch Helsby   44;52
41 A Duffield W Ches   36:35   108 A Webster Roby R   44;59
42 J Johnson Wallasey   36;37   109 F Green LRC   45:01
43 M Morris Wirral   36;46   110 P Henley Liv H   45;10
44 K Carroll LPS   36:49   111 J Swift (L) LPS   45;19
45 D Duret W Ches   36:50   112 A Dixon (L) Skem/Bound   45;29
46 D Mills (Guest) Newbrough   36:57   113 S Robinson Roby R   45:43
47 R Carey SWAC   36:58   114 B Taylor Helsby   45:46
48 R Vose St Hels Sut   37:01   115 K Hilton Wallasey   45:55
49 P Cuthbert Wallasey   37:04   116 L Nadin (L) LPS   46:25
50 G Pierce LRC   37:06   117 M Charman Helsby   46:39
51 J Thompson Skem/Bound   37:12   118 L Dobie Liv H   46:56
52 T Metcalf Mossley H   37:14   119 V Griffiths (L) Helsby   47:04
53 D Moran LRC   37:17   120 V Harvey (L) SWAC   47;19
54 I White St Hels Sut   37:24   121 P Robinson St Hels Sut   47:31
55 G Jones Wallasey   37;26   122 T Dunnie St Hels Sut   47:39
56 T Sakson (Guest) Newbough   37:33   123 M Griffiths Wallasey   49:28
57 C Burke Wallasey   37:44   124 A Cooper W Ches   49:41
58 P Cobb Ches Tri   37;50   125 S Charman (L) Helsby   50:02
59 B Walmsley Skem/Bound   37:59   126 R Armstrong Penny LS   50:18
60 P Burgess St Hels Sut   38;13   127 J Beswick Helsby   51:19
61 R Burke LRC   38;13   128       52:38
62 B Merrit LRC   38:14   129 A Clarkson (L) Penny LS   53:02
63 E Gelshorn Mossley H   38:15   130 S Walmsley (L) Skem/Bound   54:13
64 M Whitfield W Ches   38:36   131 R Hughes SWAC   55:20
65 C Salvin LRC   38:44   132 D Adelsberg Skem/Bound   72:19
66 M Stone Wirral   39;01            
67 S Marr Wirral   39:09            

If you have the name for the missing athletes in position 128 please email me
  Robbie Wood
1 Liverpool H 1,5,6,12,13,16 53  
2 St Helens Sutton AC 7, 11, 15, 23, 24,30 110  
3 Wirral AC 9, 10, 21,25,26,29, 120  
4 SWAC 3, 27,35,37,39,47 188  
5 West Cheshire AC 8,20,31,41,45,64, 209  
6 L/pool Pemb & Sefton 18,19,28,44,72,93, 274  
7  Wallasey AC 33,42,49,55,57,71 307  
8 Liverpool Running Club 22,50,53,61,62,65, 313  
9 Skem Boundary 51,59,73,75,88,91 437  
10 Spectrum Striders 36,69,77,84,95,133 494 *
11 Mossley Hill AC 17,52,63,106, 133,134 504 **
12 Helsby 87,94,107,114,117,119 638  
12 Penny Lane Striders 90,104,126,129,133,134 716 **
Three clubs finished only 4 athletes see rule 3 below
3 In league fixture the first six eligible runners either male or female or a combination of both home will score for a club. A club may still complete a team with a minimum of four athletes. In such cases scoring will be last athlete to finish in the fixture  plus one place if you have only five runner. Only four runners closing will result in last two athletes home plus two  places. (***See example below)
3a (2002 AGM) No club may win the Division 1 title if they fail to finish a full 6 counters in all three league fixtures. 

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