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Joanna Krak(ows) it, Stuart is out of the Ord(inary) and Anna way ahead of her Peers

A very hot Witton Park in Blackburn hosted the latest Mid Lancs league match   The day was manly one for our younger athletes with some stellar performances in the youngest age group.  Ten years old Gabby Taylor won her 100m heat in the U13 race with super time of 14.3 seconds, shortly after, she […]

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From Wilmslow to Wavertree, a Lakeland Trail and a Trail Blazer!

A great start to the week as Kirsty Longley finished 3rd lady (1st V45) at the Wilmslow 10k with a time of 35:12. Close behind were Thomas Fair finishing in 35:44 and men’s club captain, Chris Melling , who completed the event in 36:30.   Andy Foster and his OMG team including John Dickinson, Louise […]

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The “Fin” end of the wedge

Iron man, Ian Myers started the weekend off with the iron man night 5k in a decent 21:25 in Bolton. Tony O’Brien representing Great Britain, made the trip to Tampere in Finland for the World Masters Athletic championship. Tony’s first event was the 5000m where he finished in a time of 16:09 to claim the […]

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Chumbawamba and Cabbage

During the Week we had a number of athletes competing in the Harrock Hill race. The event is always popular with LPS, this race was no different with 3 of our athletes challenging for the prized cabbage or other seasonal vegetable. Jake Dickinson ensured the family had some of their 5 a day by finishing […]

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Crazy Horses

So I genuinely thought Mark Hudson was winding me up… but apparently the world is mad after all. Anyway … clears throat for announcement …. “There was this bloke who a few years ago took a tumble and smashed his hip up.  Pretty serious for anyone let alone a man who has to get buy […]

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Mystery tours to park run 

A quieter week for LPS started positively with Andrew Conway achieving a season best of 21:59 in the Wavertree Mystery 5k. Andrew followed this up with a 7th place (3rd Master) in the Alyn Waters 10k trail race in a time of 49.36. Keeping with the Wavertree theme, we had a small but quality contingent […]

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Whirlwind of a week!

Wow, what a week.  Sarah Grant celebrated her birthday with a call up for the England Masters 5km team in Tenby in July.  Summer holidays in South Wales then! Only a couple of days later club icon, Mark Wynne, received the same news and joins the list of LPS athletes representing their country. This is […]

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Northern League Provisional Results

Here is a link to the provisional results from today.  They are not official yet!

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I feel the need for speed …

Our very own set of Mavericks started the week off with supersonic performances at the Trafford Open Meeting. Adam Jones continuing his strong comeback completed another sub 2 minute 800m  finishing in 1:58.95.  Tony O’Brien competing in 1500m set himself a target of 4:20 for the season opener and achieved this in 4:19.56. Top Gun, […]

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A week in the life of LPS

Apologies for the delay in this week’s update, it would have been earlier but I’ve been counting Neil Roberts’ birthday candles. Who knew they made boxes of 60?  Happy birthday Neil, hope you’ve had a great day. Last Tuesday saw a number of our athletes attending the Trafford Open event with great performances from Jake […]

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