Gordon Evans

Gordon Evans started his athletic career as a sprinter. The records are a bit thin and we can only presume he was a modest performer. However, he dearly loved the Pembroke club and for decades he would turn up to support. Gradually he drifted into officiating and with his great friend Duncan Brown became an indispensable Field Judging team for decades. They were enormously popular, not simply because they did the job superbly but they so obviously enjoyed it and this conveyed itself to both athletes and other officials. There was nothing pompous about these characters, Duncan with his acerbic one liners and Gordon with his droll rejoinders were the perfect foil for each other. Gordon had a great love of the crooners of the Frank Sinatra era and was quite capable of inserting a melodious bar or two of a well known classic into proceedings should they become tedious! He was a man of modest means but with a great heart. With Duncan`s passing things were never quite the same and gradually we sadly saw less of Gordon. Somewhere though there is a lengthy list of Pembroke characters of that same era whose gentle eccentricities will forever be recalled with great affection and respect. Gordon is surely one of these.

The funeral of Gordon Evans will take place on Monday 13th July at
Thornton Crematorium at 3.20pm

Duncan Brown (left) & Gordon Evans 1990

This photograph was taken at Kirkby in 1990 and show Gordon (right) with his good friend Duncan Brown both great servants of our club and the sport in general.


4 Responses to Gordon Evans

  1. 03/07/2015 at 7:15 PM #

    A lovely man always willing to turn out and support the club over many years. Thank you Gordon for many happy memories

  2. 05/07/2015 at 10:38 AM #

    Just one of the best and gave me some great tips when doing the High Jump. RIP

  3. 12/07/2015 at 10:50 AM #

    Great memories of Duncan and Gordon during the young athletes leagues many years ago…. Both great characters.
    RIP Gordon

  4. 13/07/2015 at 3:59 PM #

    Feeling very sad at this news, another part of my teenage years at Liverpool Pembroke has gone. A gentle man Gordon always looked just a touch scruffy, with his flat cap you couldn’t help thinking he ought to have a pair of ferrets hidden somewhere. This helped to make him so much more approachable than other, sombre officious types. That’s when you would encounter his wit; not a slapstick humour, much more subtle than that. The sort of comments that would have you in creases after you’d already walked away from him when the gag finally hit you.

    With his close friend Duncan, they were like an old comedy-hall double act; the first people you’d usually meet when you walked through the tunnel, under the velodrome at the old Kirkby stadium.

    Back together again.