The classy Cross Challenge series of events turned up once more at Sefton Park with, for Senior athletes, the added spice of possible selection for the GB team that will compete shortly in the European Championships in the Netherlands. The eyes of the Liverpool Pembroke and Sefton contingent were very much on the Under 20 […]
London Marathon Club Entry
London Marathon The club is entitled to one guaranteed place at next year’s Virgin London marathon which takes place on Sunday 28th April. If you would like to be considered for this place, then you need to let club secretary, Karen Brown ( know by Friday 13th December. The criteria for consideration are that you […]
Cross Country Championship Entry Information
We are fast approaching the cross country championship season. I will start collecting names in early December, please ensure you let your coach know which of the championships you wish to run in. Below is a list of the championships please note the closing dates. Championship Date Venue Closing date Merseyside 5th January Sherdley Park […]

Kirsty leads England to Victory at Swansea.
In form Kirsty Longley was once again selected to represent England at cross country this time at the 31st British and Irish Masters Cross-Country International at Swansea’s Singleton Park on 17th November. Over a challenging 6k course Kirsty came a close second behind Ireland’s Teresa Doherty, ” I knew Teresa was in good form having run some […]
Marshalls needed for Sefton Park Saturday 24th November
The Euro X Challenge event is being held at Sefton Park on November 24th starting at 10:45am. The Merseyside clubs have been asked if we can provide course marshalls for the day. If you are interested in helping out please let me know by Monday 19th November at the latest (email me at No […]

PBs for Mark and Chris at Cheshire 10k. Tiff sets new course record
LPS athletes were busy again this weekend, on Saturday morning three of our runners took part in the Cheshire 10k in Warrington. In a good quality field Mark Wynne was first home for the club in 16th place with a fine time of 32.51. Fresh from his pb last week in the Abbey Dash in […]

Tiffany’s fast 5k at Halewodd
LPS athletes turned out in numbers for the monthly 5k race at Halewood on the 3rd November. Halewood has a history of good times so it was a perfect opportunity for young Tiffany Penfold to see how her winter training was progressing as she lined up with nine other club members in perfect conditions. Tiff […]