The annual Liverpool Cross Challenge and European Trials at Sefton Park is a joyous cross country celebration bringing to together the best in the country. Liverpool Pembroke Sefton youngsters took advantage of the occasion to show in force as their Mid-Lancs League was incorporated in the various races. The Under 11’s started in a heavy […]
Archive | November, 2016

Memories… of the way we were
When I hear complaints about the severity of a cross country course note should be taken of what our predecessors considered `proper’ cross country. A 1951-52 Liverpool Pembroke fixture card gives some idea of what the season looked like. The Calendar Throughout the country the season traditionally began with a massive social run or Monster […]
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Lisa and Helen qualify for Team GB
Lisa Gawthorne and Helen Sahgal have both qualified to represent Team GB in their respective age groups for the international sprint duathlon championships in Spain next April. The duathlon comprises a 5K run followed by 20K on a bike and finishing with a final 2.5K run. Both raced successfully in the qualifiers at Oulton Park […]
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